

Originally Posted by Aaron Forsythe
I was so impressed by the Tips & Tricks and token cards that I agreed to continue them in expert-level sets going forward, so expect to see them in Lorwyn. The good news for the enfranchised player is that the ratio of Tips to Tokens will be reversed in expert-level sets; you'll get two tokens for every one Tips & Tricks card.



白 Milicia Kithkin (“Kithkin Militia”)
白藍 Fluviovias Sirenideas / Vias Fluviales Merrow (“Merrow Waterways”).
黑紅 Banquete Papao / Festin Boggart (“ Boggarts' Feast”).
黑綠 Predacao Elfica / Depredadores Elficos (“Elvish Predators”)
白藍黑紅綠 La Senda De Los Elementales (“Path of the Elementals”)

Featured Races
White: Kithkin
Blue: Merrow. Merrow (from Gaelic muruch) or Murrough (Galloway) are the Scottish and Irish Gaelic equivalent of the mermaid and mermen. They have a gentle, modest, affectionate and benevolent disposition.
Black and/or red: Boggarts. Boggarts can be described as brownies that have turned evil. In British folklore, a boggart (or bogart, bogan, bogle or boggle) is a household spirit, sometimes mischievous, sometimes helpful. In Northern England, at least, there was the belief that the boggart should never be named, as when the boggart was given a name, it would not be reasoned with or persuaded and become uncontrollable and destructive.

Green: Elves
All colors (?): Elementals

